About Me

Patrick McKeeFor 15 years, I have worked with individuals struggling to find their identity and become the unique and special person that they want to be – mind, body and spirit. In my career, I have been fortunate to work with all age groups with a wide range of needs. I have worked in schools and hospitals at different times so I have a wide range of experience in different settings and experiences.

I believe in treating “the whole person” versus just treating a symptom. What I mean by this is that we will look at everything that may or may not be contributing to whatever has brought you in and see what is helpful or harmful towards reaching your ultimate goal.

I believe in a very “custom built” model of therapy. Let’s face it, all of our journeys and experiences are as unique as you are. Assuming that one approach will work with everyone is not how I choose to operate. Instead, we will cooperatively come up with a plan and a modality that best fits you. I’m not going to lie, it’s not always going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it.